Difficulty swallowing?


  Is it hard for you to swallow medication and supplements? 

        Does food gets stuck in your throat (or feel like it)?       

            Swallow better after as little as one NST session! 

                Imagine, a non-surgical solution for difficult swallowing!

                    Spastic Dysphonia / Spasmotic Dyshonia is a throat problem. 

                        NoSnore Therapy(tm) is a common-sense throat therapy.

 NoSnore Therapy(tm) is THROAT Therapy!

Do you hiccup often? 

Known as Hiccups: synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF) or singultus is a common syndrome.

NoSnoreTherapy(tm) is a simple approach to the care of your trachea and associated structures.

    I have seen a reduction in my snoring, but more important, I haven't hiccuped in my sleep since, as well.                                         - Evan D. (NoSnore Therapy(tm) Client)